Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE


Základní info

The Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE course provides students with knowledge needed to develop robust architectures for enterprise Java applications using the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) technology. The Enterprise Java applications developed using the architecture as a guideline can accommodate rapid change and growth. By taking this course, participants gain an understanding of the technical context of the Java EE and relevant technologies, and strategies needed to create application blueprints that work well when implementing Java EE technologies. These strategies include effective decision-making through the use of non-functional qualities (such as scalability and flexibility), Java EE technology blueprints and design patterns.Students who can benefit from this course: Developers responsible for the overall software architecture and design of Java EE technology-based enterprise software systems. Developers who require insight into the role of the enterprise architect and want to use Java EE technologies in n-tier enterprise systems. Existing architects who want to understand how to use Java EE technologies to improve quality of service in their enterprise systems. Developers or Architects interested in training that will help them prepare for the Oracle Certified Enterprise Architect exam.earn To: efine the Enterprise Architect’s roles, responsibilities and deliverablesdentify non-functional requirements (NFRs) and describe common problems and solutionsranslate business requirements into an architecture. ow to weigh choices in architecting the client, web, business, integration and data tierspply various evaluation criteria to choosing architectural elements and patterns, tools, servers and frameworks

Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE

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22 250 Kč + 21% DPH

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