Business Component Development with EJB Technology, Java EE 6


Základní info

The latest release of the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 Technology available in the Java EE 6 platform builds on previous EJB technology and further simplifies how developers approach creating business components. EJB 3.1 makes many improvements that reflect common usage patterns, including: Singletons, No-interface view, Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), Asynchronous Session Bean, and Timer Service.he Business Component Development with Enterprise JavaBeans Technology, Java EE6 course provides students with the knowledge required to build robust back-end functionality using Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB[TM]) version 3.1 technology. The course provides a practical exploration of the EJB technology coding experience of session beans and message driven-beans. The course also examines EJB design, best practices, transaction management, messaging fundamentals, and security. he course features the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) technology, and uses the Java EE 6 SDK. The students perform the course lab exercises using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The hands-on lab environment uses the Java EE GlassFish v3 server.bStudents who can benefit from this coursebrliJava Developers who are looking to build web-based and/or enterprise-based applications that incorporate EJB technologyava Developers who are preparing for the Sun Certified Enterprise JavaBeans Developer certification./ula href="" target="_blank"/a

Business Component Development with EJB Technology, Java EE 6

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13 350 Kč + 21% DPH

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