Certnexus - Making ChatGPT and Generative AI Work for You

Základní info

A major milestone in business automation has been reached—generative AI. Despite its recency, it has already started having a significant impact on our lives. But, the rapid pace at which generative AI is growing can be overwhelming. And, there are so many facets to this field that it can be difficult to know how to use it effectively to improve the business.
This course is designed to demystify generative AI for business professionals, as well as to trace its power to actionable, real-world business goals. It will give you the essential knowledge of generative AI you'll need to elevate the organization in these exciting times.

Certnexus - Making ChatGPT and Generative AI Work for You

Vybraný termín:

24.1.2025  Praha

10 600 Kč + 21% DPH

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