Configuration and Development Tools - Foundation


Základní info

This course is applicable to all products supported by the Oracle Utilities Applications Framework (SPL) v2.2 including the following:Oracle Utilities Customer Care and BillingOracle Utilities Business IntelligenceOracle Enterprise Taxation ManagementOracle Revenue Management and Billing for Financial Services and InsuranceThis course is intended for developers who want to develop upgradeable and extendable solutions for the above listed products using the V2 toolset.Concepts discussed include Maintenance Objects, Business Objects, Inheritance, Lifecyle, and Access Rights.Throughout the course, the student will be exposed to the benefits of back-end scripting without the need to know Java programming. In addition, using XML and XPATH, students make use of object-based architecture to expand the usability of the application.Learn To: Use Business Objects without Java codingDifferentiate between Business Objects and Maintenance ObjectsUse Validation Rules on Business ObjectsReuse Business Objects using InheritanceUse Business Object Lifecycles to best advantageCreate Valid Actions for your Application Service

Configuration and Development Tools - Foundation

Vybraný termín:


62 100 Kč + 21% DPH

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