Course description: DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New Features


Základní info

Get the technical information about the new functions and features available in DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows for current DB2 Version 8, 9.1 and 9.5 database systems.
If you are transitioning from DB2 for LUW V8.2 to 9.7, you may consider attending the 4-day transition course, DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Transition from DB2 V8.2 (CL310) or DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Transition from DB2 V8.2 - ILO (3L310) before attending CL312.
If you are transitioning from DB2 for LUW V9.1 to 9.7, you may consider attending the 2-day transition course, DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Transition from DB2 9 (CL311) or DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Transition from DB2 9 - ILO (3L311) before attending CL312.
Course Materials
The course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
Training Path
This course is part of an IBM Training Path. Taking this course in the recommended sequence allows you to maximize the benefits from your education.
Určeno pro
This is an intermediate course for database administrators, application designers, technical support, and technical specialists who require information about the features and functions of DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
Předpokládané znalosti
You should be familiar with the functionality of the previous DB2 releases.
Cíl kurzu
• Describe the new functions and options for administration of DB2 databases provided by DB2 9.7
• Assess the applicability of the DB2 9.7 features and functions in your application environment to maximize the performance, monitoring, security and operational management
• Discuss the advantages and potential impact of this release of DB2 to your environment
Klíčová témata
DB2 9.7 Security Features
• Explain the privileges associated with the SYSADM, SECADM and DBADM authorities
• Describe the expanded role of the security administrator in a DB2 9.7 database system
• Grant database privileges, including ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM and EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities to perform database support tasks
• List the steps required to implement Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for DB2 database servers
• Configure Java and non Java client systems for SSL connections
• Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM configuration option to select the encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication
DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Enhancements
• Evaluate setting the CUR_COMMIT database configuration option to reduce lock waits, lock timeouts or deadlocks
• Explain how DB2 can access the committed version of a data row that is currently being updated by another application
• Define a LOCKING Event monitor to capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits
• Configure a DB2 database to control information captured for deadlocks, lock timeouts or extended lock waits
• Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock related problems based on data captured by a locking event monitor
DB2 9.7 Workload Management Enhancements
• Plan and implement a Tiered approach to workload management that automatically shifts work between WLM subclasses under the same super class based on CPU usage or amount of data accessed by an activity
• Define workload management thresholds to help maintain stability on your data server by controlling specific resources including CPU time, amount of data accessed and temporary data usage
• Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to simplify definition of WLM workloads
• Define WLM service classes that effect the reuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by assigning priority to pages visited by activities executing in different service classes
DB2 9.7 Compression Enhancements
• Describe how DB2's Index compression option can reduce disk storage requirements for indexes
• Explain how DB2 can compress temporary data to improve application performance
• List the options for implementation of compression for the XML and Large Object data columns in a DB2 table
• Utilize the DB2 provided tools and functions to estimate compression results for Indexes and XML data
DB2 9.7 Storage Management Enhancements
• Describe the steps a database administrator could use to adjust the disk storage paths assigned to a DB2 database and to rebalance table spaces to make more efficient use of new storage paths
• Convert an existing DMS database managed table space to take advantage of automatic storage management
• Reduce the High Water Mark for database managed and automatic storage managed table spaces reclaim unused disk space.
• Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored procedure to move the data in a table to a new table object of the same name, but with possibly different storage characteristics, while the data remains online and available for access.
• Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored procedure to move the data in a table to a new table object of the same name, but with possibly different storage characteristics, while the data remains online and available for access
DB2 9.7 Database Monitoring Enhancements
• Utilize the new relational monitoring interfaces in DB2 9.7, that can be accessed directly by SQL, resulting in enhanced reporting and monitoring of the database system, data objects, and the package cache to help you quickly identify issues that might be causing problems
• Configure the DB2 Database configuration options that control the collection of request, activity and object level metrics on the entire database
• Compare the monitoring features implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot monitoring facilities provided by previous DB2 releases
• Implement Event Monitors for units of work or lock-related events that store information in unformatted Event Monitor tables
• Capture SQL section information using an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data to generate Explain reports
DB2 9.7 Application and SQL Enhancements
• Implement created temporary tables to simplify application definition and access to temporary data.
• Create public synonyms to simplify access to common tables, views and other objects.
• Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in applications to quickly empty a table selecting option to release or reuse the current disk storage.
• Enable the statement concentrator using the stmt_conc database manager configuration parameter to reduce SQL compilation overhead when SQL statements are executed using different literal values.
• Describe the new functions, data types and application features in DB2 9.7 that simplify migrating to DB2 from other vendors.
• Use the CLPPlus command line user interface that to connect databases and to define, edit, and run statements, scripts, and commands.
• Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be compiled and executed using DB2 interfaces.
New pureXML Features in DB2 9.7
• List the new XML features available with DB2 9.7
• Handle the shredding of multiple XML documents already stored in the database with one command
• Describe the possible use of XML in data warehouses
• List the DPF and advanced environments where XML can be used
DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Enhancements
• Describe some of the DB2 9.7 changes that support larger databases and larger tables, including increased size limits for large and temporary table spaces and larger distribution maps for DPF database partitioning
• Use the db2start command to add new database partition servers to a multi-partition database environment without having to stop and restart the instance
• Describe how scan sharing can reduce the I/O workload for accessing large tables
• Explain the difference between partitioned and non-partitioned indexes for a range-partitioned table
• Implement partitioned indexes to improve performance when you roll data out or roll data into a range-partitioned table
• Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to analyze performance statistics for partitioned indexes
Day 1
• Welcome
• Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features
• Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Enhancements
• Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management Enhancements
• Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression Enhancements
• Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Enhancements
Day 2
• Unit 6: DB2 9.7 Database Monitoring Enhancements
• Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL Enhancements
• Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7
• Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Enhancements

Course description: DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New Features

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22 000 Kč

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