Customer Order Management: Product Admin. (Siebel 8.0)


Základní info

This Customer Order Management: Product Admin. (Siebel 8.0) training covers features and functions of Siebel COM that can be implemented as-delivered and administered through the client. Some content covers product modeling for the Communications, Media and Energy (CME) industry. Learn to:Create and associate product detail with products.Create catalogs and categories.Use a Project Workspace for managing, testing and releasing products, attributes and classes.Use the Pricing Designer to view and price a component-based customizable product.Administer product bundles, coupons and special configuration promotions.Specify product eligibility and compatibility rules.Create product recommendations.Create multiple product user interfaces (UIs) for a customizable product.Benefits to YouEnrolling in this course focuses on Product Catalog Management within Siebel 8.0 and helps you develop a foundational understanding of Customer Order Management (COM). Siebel 8.0 Customer Order Management is a comprehensive suite of multichannel eBusiness applications that enables your company to manage products, pricing, contracts, quotes and orders.

Customer Order Management: Product Admin. (Siebel 8.0)

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43 200 Kč + 21% DPH

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