DB2 9 for LUW Advanced Database Recovery


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This is the classroom version of instructor-led online course DB2 9 for LUW Advanced Database Recovery - Instructor Led Online (3L492)

Gain a deeper understanding of the advanced recovery features of DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database environments with single and multiple partition databases. Get practical experience in the planning and utilization of a wide variety of DB2 recovery facilities in a series of database recovery scenarios you complete during lab exercises using DB2 Enterprise 9.7 for Linux.

The purpose of this course is to enable the learning to gain a deeper understanding of the advanced recovery features of DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database environments with single and multiple partition databases. In this course, the learning will receive practical experience in the planning and utilization of a wide variety of DB2 recovery facilities in a series of database recovery scenarios you complete during lab exercises using DB2 Enterprise 9.7 for Linux.

DB2 9 for LUW Advanced Database Recovery

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