Designing Java Web Services, Java EE 5


Základní info

This Designing Java Web Services, Java EE 5 course elaborates on the use of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) technology design patterns. You'll design web services and discuss various web services features, like Exception Handling and Security, provided by the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5).bLearn To:/pnalyze web services opportunities.esign patterns and implement best practices for web services.andle exceptions in web services.mplement web services-based design patterns as part of an application.ecure a web service using basic authentication.mplement message-layer security in web services.bParticipate in Hands-On Lab Exercises/pou'll perform these hands-on lab exercises using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE). You'll deploy the web services and applications on the Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition.

Designing Java Web Services, Java EE 5

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4 450 Kč + 21% DPH

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