Developing Innovative Multimedia JavaFX Applications Seminar SEM-DTJ-2500


Základní info

JavaFX platform is a family of products for creating the next generation of rich internet applications (RIA) with multimedia and content for a variety of platforms, including desktop, browser-based, and mobile devices. This seminar shows Web developers and Java programmers how to develop rich internet applications using many features of JavaFX. It provides an overview of JavaFX and teaches the key aspects of the JavaFX Script programming language. You will learn how to create animations and special effects, add multimedia to applications, and incorporate web services into JavaFX applications. This seminar also demonstrates how to create JavaFX applications using the NetBeans IDE for JavaFX 1.1, which includes support for developing, debugging, and deploying JavaFX applications.Students who can benefit from this course:Web developersExperienced Java programmers interested in creating rich internet applications (RIA) for desktops and browsers


  • Java programming experience
  • Java Programming Language (SL-275-SE6)
  • Knowledge of JavaScript and PHP (Recommended)


  • Describe basic concepts of the JavaFX technology
  • Run samples from JavaFX SDK and NetBeans IDE
  • Create a JavaFX application
  • Learn JavaFX Script language features
  • Control image sizes, boundaries, and positions
  • Embed multimedia and use the JavaFX Media Player component to play the media
  • Create graphics and animations
  • Access web services to retrieve multimedia
  • Deploy a JavaFX application


Describing the JavaFX Platform

  • Define the features of a rich internet application
  • Describe the JavaFX technology
  • Run a JavaFX sample from the command line and IDE
  • Use the Mobile emulator (Windows only)
  • Create a simple JavaFX HelloWorld application by using NetBeans IDE

Using the JavaFX Script Language

  • Identify components of the JavaFX Script Language
  • Understand the basic concepts of the JavaFX language

Understanding the JavaFX Scene Graph

  • Describe the elements of the JavaFX Scene Graph
  • Understand how Scene Graph elements are used in an application

Adding Images and Multimedia

  • Load and display an image
  • Display 2-D shapes with image effects
  • Handle mouse events
  • Incorporate video into an application From Media Browser Demo
  • Add an expansion effect
  • Create a wall of thumbnails
  • Incorporate video

Creating Animations and Transitions

  • Build animation by using keyframes and timelines
  • Apply interpolators to animation
  • Use transitions in an application From Media Browser Demo
  • Create zoom-in effect
  • Create zoom-out effect

Accessing Web Services

  • Access web services by using JavaFX Web Service APIs; HttpRequest, PullParser
  • Create a rich JavaFX media application with Yahoo! Search Web Services

Deploying an Application

  • Deploy a JavaFX application using NetBeans as: Standalone, Desktop: Java Web Start using JNLP, Browser: Java Plugin with applet, Mobile: JavaFX Mobile emulator
  • Drag a JavaFX applet from the browser to the desktop

Developing Innovative Multimedia JavaFX Applications Seminar SEM-DTJ-2500

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