Developing Web Applications using JSF, Java EE 6


Základní info

This Developing Web Applications Using JSF, Java EE 6 Technologies training will introduce you to the features and functions of the JSF 2.0 technology. By combining expert instruction with participation in hands-on labs, you'll solidify your understanding while expanding your overall skill set.bLearn To:/pesign JSF Pages using facelets.escribe the architecture of the JSF web applications.nderstand the role and structure of Managed Beans.escribe the tag libraries supported in Facelets.nderstand the Unified Expression Language (EL).se Java EE Resources in Managed Beans.nderstand the navigation evaluation standard data converters and standard data validators.bPerform Hands-On Lab Exercises/py enrolling in this course, you'll get the chance to perform hands-on course lab exercises. Participating in these interactive labs will not only ensure you understand new course material; it will also help you apply what you've learned to tasks you're faced with in your daily job.

Developing Web Applications using JSF, Java EE 6

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13 350 Kč + 21% DPH

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