E-Business Suite: BI Publisher 5.6.3 for Developers


Základní info

Starting with the basic concepts, architecture, and underlying standards of Oracle XML Publisher, this course will lead a student through a progress of exercises building their expertise. By the end of the course, the student should be able to create Oracle XML Publisher RTF templates and data templates. They should also be able to deploy and maintain a BI Publisher report in an E-Business Suite instance. Students will also be introduced to Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise. earn To: nderstand the underlying X standardsreate and use an RTF templatereate and use Data Templateseploy and maintain BI Publisher Reports in an E-Business Suite instancedminister BI Publisher in an E-Business Suite instancenderstand the basic concepts and uses of Oracle XML Publisher

E-Business Suite: BI Publisher 5.6.3 for Developers

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60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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