Essential Websphere Portal 7.0 Administration skills for Developers on Windows


Základní info

This comprehensive course combines informative lectures and discussions with relevant activities and labs that provide you with the knowledge needed to administer WebSphere Portal 7.0 tasks. You will work with a fully configured WebSphere Portal Server 7.0 and practice the day-to-day administration tasks on the WebSphere Portal Server 7.0 including: portlet installation, security configuration, Portal site management, branding, and social media capabilities.

Note: If you need installation and additional in-depth configuration knowledge, please consider the five-day course, IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0: Administration, Installation, and Configuration (WPL81).

Essential Websphere Portal 7.0 Administration skills for Developers on Windows

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 Praha Upřesnující informace k termínu

35 400 Kč + 21% DPH

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