Exadata Database Machine Administration Workshop NEW


Základní info

This course introduces students to Oracle Exadata Database Machine. Students learn about the various Exadata Database Machine features and configurations, with emphasis on the unique capabilities delivered by Exadata Storage Server. The installation and initial configuration process is covered so that students are equipped to make appropriate up-front configuration decisions. Students are introduced to various options for migrating to Database Machine and learn how to select the best approach. They also learn how to maintain, monitor and optimize Database Machine after initial configuration.Students learn about monitoring Exadata Database Machine with a focus on best practices for what and how to monitor. Students learn about the monitoring infrastructure inherently within Exadata Database Machine, along with the monitoring capabilities exposed through Enterprise Manager Grid Control and associated plugins.Best-practice recommendations are highlighted throughout; and, where possible, the topics are reinforced through the student’s participation in structured hands-on lab exercises. Exadata monitoring topics are covered using demos. There is also a series of recorded demonstrations included with the course. Learn To:List the key capabilities and features of Exadata Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server Initially configure Exadata Database Machine Implement Exadata Storage Server security Use query execution plans, statistics and wait events to examine Exadata Smart Scan Describe various options and best-practice recommendations for consolidation on Exadata Database MachineDescribe what is Exadata and how is it different from traditional database storage

Exadata Database Machine Administration Workshop NEW

Vybraný termín:


74 000 Kč + 21% DPH

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