Exam Prep Seminar Package: Oracle Database SQL


Základní info

This package provides everything an experienced technologist needs to prepare for the exam.strongrice: /strongxxxxuy Package NowstrongThis package includes:/p ertification Exam Prep Seminar: Oracle Database SQLxam Voucher: Oracle Certification Proctored Exam With Free Retake Voucher (6 months)ertification ePractice Exam - 180 day Online AccessbThis seminar helps you prepare for the following exams: /p racle Database SQL (1Z0-071)racle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals (1Z0-061) retires October 31, 2018review the SeminaremPrices are subject to change based on location./emxam Prep Seminar Packages:rovide a thorough review of exam objectives. llustrate the breadth of topics and skills necessary to pass the exam. ive exclusive tips and strategies to prepare for the certification exam. ncrease confidence. his seminar is for exam review purposes only and does not meet the Hands-on Course training requirement (if applicable to your certification track).

Exam Prep Seminar Package: Oracle Database SQL

Vybraný termín:


14 342 Kč + 21% DPH

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