Fundamentals of Open Source IT and Cloud Computing (LFS200)+ Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) Exam Bundle

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This course covers the foundation of systems commands and the administration of users; discusses the installation, configuration, and basic maintenance of operating systems and applications; and demonstrates the use of basic Linux commands and utilities.
You will also learn about Linux files, storage systems, basics of Linux shell and simple scripts; networking architecture, topologies, hardware, and environments, and will be able to discuss basic network configuration and protocols; various Cloud technologies and service models; and become familiar with Cloud architecture, technologies, and the benefits of Cloud; understanding of cybersecurity in the Linux environment, and a general working knowledge of security-related concepts and how to leverage Software Development and IT operations (DevOps). A Certified IT Associate will confirm early proficiency and aptitude in the IT field.
The exam is intended to integrate with other qualifications and provides a stepping stone to more advanced credentials.

This LFS200 course is designed to help new IT Administrators learn foundational concepts and prepare them to work with Linux.
It should enable interested students to expand their knowledge and skills with Linux Systems Administration and Cloud Engineering and is a good preparation for the Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) exam. LFCA will test candidates‘ knowledge of fundamental IT concepts including operating systems, software application installation and management, hardware installation, use of the command line and basic programming, basic networking functions, security best practices, and other related topics to validate their capability and preparedness for an entry-level IT position.

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Fundamentals of Open Source IT and Cloud Computing (LFS200)+ Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) Exam Bundle

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6 840 Kč + 21% DPH

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