Fusion Applications: Extend Applications with ADF


Základní info

This course shows developers how to extend and customize Oracle Fusion Applications using both run-time composers and JDeveloper. You'll learn run-time browser-based design-time customizations, as well as extensions using JDeveloper.bLearn To: /pse JDeveloper and Oracle ADF to extend Oracle Fusion Applications.ustomize the User Interface of an Oracle Fusion application.xtend the data model of an Oracle Fusion application.escribe Design-time and Run-time customizations and determine when to use each.se Fusion Middleware tools to customize Fusion Applications, while maintaining supportability.dentify the options for customizing Oracle Fusion applications.bOracle Fusion Applications/phile Oracle Fusion applications provide robust out-of-the-box functionality, there may be areas within applications that you need to change to meet your business needs. Oracle Fusion applications are built so that business analyst users can make those changes in an upgrade-safe manner.

Fusion Applications: Extend Applications with ADF

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60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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