Fusion Applications: Security Fundamentals


Základní info

This Fusion Applications: Security Fundamentals Ed 2 training presents an overview of Fusion Applications, enterprise structures, and the key concepts, core technologies and common procedures involved in initially setting up and securing Oracle Fusion Applications. You'll gain hands-on experience with Functional Setup Manager and access a range of security components as you perform many common security-related tasks.This course is relevant for any customers using Fusion Applications through Release 11.1.7This course is appropriate for on-premises deployments.Learn To:Achieve the primary security goals (confidentiality, integrity and availability) in an Oracle Fusion Applications deployment.Identify application security features that mitigate risk.Address ways to achieve business-driven security goals through a risk-based approach to security management.Identify application security features that restrict access to enterprise structures.Support implementations with specific security requirements.Access information resources related to security.Benefits to YouBy enrolling in this course, you'll learn to employ learning methods which include presentations, interactive demonstrations, individual activities, discussion and knowledge checks. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to use these learning techniques to execute a secure Oracle Fusion Applications deployment.

Fusion Applications: Security Fundamentals

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43 200 Kč + 21% DPH

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