Informix Dynamic Server 11.5 Internal Architecture


Základní info

This course is intended for experienced Informix Dynamic Server system administrators interested in advancing their troubleshooting and monitoring skills. In this course, students will learn advanced skills for monitoring and analyzing various structures within an Informix Dynamic Server environment. Students will be presented with detailed information about the architecture of dbspaces, blobspaces, sbspaces, and their various components down to the page level. Students will also learn more about virtual processors and how to monitor thread activity. They will learn more about shared memory components and how memory pools are designed and used. Finally, students will learn more in-depth details about various Informix Dynamic Server processes, including checkpoints, physical and logical logging, and fast recovery. This course replaces IX910.
Určeno pro
This advanced course is for Informix Dynamic Server administrators.
Předpokládané znalosti
You should complete:
• Informix Dynamic Server Administration (L1846) or (IX810).
• Having a minimum 3 months experience as an Informix Dynamic Server administrator is required; 6 months of experience is preferred.
Cíl kurzu
• Identify the elements of an Informix Dynamic Server page
• Define the terms that identify the elements of a dbspace
• List and describe the root dbspace reserved pages
• Explain the purpose of the tblspace tblspace and identify the elements of a partition page
• Explain the purpose of Informix Dynamic Server tblspaces
• List and describe the types of index node pages and their components
• Explain the architectural differences between fragmented and non-fragmented tables and indexes
• Describe the components of blobspaces and sbspaces
• Explain how virtual processors and threads are used in a database server
• Describe how data is stored and managed in shared memory
• Explain how the physical and logical log files are used in the fast recovery process

Klíčová témata
• List topics to be covered in this course
• Describe basic Informix Dynamic Server terminology
• Explain basic processes performed within the server
The Dynamic Server Page
• Describe the basic layout of a Dynamic Server page
• Identify and describe the components of a page header
• Explain the purpose of a slot table
• Use the oncheck utility to view IDS pages
Dbspace Layout
• Describe the layout of a Dynamic Server chunk
• Describe the contents of the reserved pages
• Explain the purpose of a chunk free-list page
• Describe the structure of a partition page
• Identify the elements of a partition number (partnum)
• Describe the structure of physical and logical log pages
• List and describe the elements of a tblspace
• Explain the purpose of the database tblspace
• Explain the purpose of the bitmap page
• Explain the purpose of rowids
• List and describe various types of tblspace pages
Index Architecture
• Describe the elements of a B-tree
• Describe the elements of an index node page
• Explain how key values are stored on an index page
• Use oncheck commands to view index node pages
Fragmented Tables and Indexes
• Use system catalogs to locate fragment partition numbers
• Display pages from a fragmented index
• Display pages from a fragmented table
• Describe the layout of a blob chunk
• Identify and describe the elements of a blobpage map page
• Explain the meaning of a blobpage address
• Use oncheck to view a blobpage
• Describe how blobspace blobpages are logged and archived
• Compare the advantages of storing blobs in a blobspace versus storing blobs in a dbspace partition
• Identify and describe the elements of an sbspace chunk
• Describe the contents of sbspace reserved pages
• List the tables stored in the metadata area and describe the purpose of each
• Explain how smart large objects information is stored on a data page
• Explain the process used to locate a smart LO
• Monitor sbspaces using the oncheck and onstat utilities
Virtual Processors and Threads
• List the components of a thread
• Monitor thread activity using onstat and the sysmaster tables
• Explain how a context switch works
• Explain how mutexes and conditions are used
Shared Memory Architecture
• Describe how a process attaches to shared memory
• Explain the internal structure of Informix Dynamic Server shared memory
• Use onstat to monitor the usage of Informix Dynamic Server shared memory
• Explain the different methods by which a client can communicate to the database server
• Describe the process used by Informix Dynamic Server utilities to communicate to the server
• Explain how Informix Dynamic Server uses semaphores
• Use onstat to monitor Informix Dynamic Server communications
Physical and Logical Logs
• Describe the purpose and contents of the physical log
• Explain the structure of logical logs and log pages
• Use the onlog utility to examine the contents of your logical logs

Informix Dynamic Server 11.5 Internal Architecture

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