Intro to Basic PS Concepts for FIN/SCM


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The PeopleSoft Introduction to Basic PeopleSoft Concepts for Financials and Supply Chain Management course, Release 9.2 update image 14, provides concepts used in all PeopleSoft Financials and SCM products. You'll learn how to navigate through the PeopleSoft menu structure and how to personalize the display of content.pearn To:/pccess PeopleSoft documentation online.ign in and navigate through PeopleSoft Applications.nderstand effective dates, PeopleSoft TableSet sharing and explore effective dating and row status.nderstand and Explore WorkCenters, Dashboards and Pivot Grids.nderstand and Explore the Peoplesoft Fluid User Interface.un reports.bBenefits to You/pearn the foundation of PeopleSoft applications and how data tables are structured. This ensures a smooth, rapid implementation of PeopleSoft Financial and Supply Chain Management applications. You will also learn that there are multiple methods of navigating through PeopleSoft FSCM applications and explore the Fluid User Interface. This enables you to work faster during implementation. Furthermore, this course will teach you how to use WorkCenters and schedule and run reports and processes. This is common to all PeopleSoft applications and ensures you're familiar with the Process Monitor options.bExplore ChartField Accounting/pesides concepts common to most PeopleSoft applications, this course also introduces Financials and SCM specific topics such as ChartField accounting. Expert Oracle University instructors also cover high-level integration points between Financial and SCM products.

Intro to Basic PS Concepts for FIN/SCM

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12 047 Kč + 21% DPH

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