Introduction to OpenStack private clouds OST-101


Základní info

Course Description:
This course covers the fundamentals of the Openstack IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service) solution used for creating a private cloud. It  starts with a general cloud primer and continues with the origin and main features of Openstack
as well as with its architecture and core building blocs. Finally it shortly presents the most popular distributions like the Community Edition, Red Hat and Mirantis as well as complete private cloud solutions of big IT vendors like Cisco, HP, IBM   
based on Openstack.

Target audience:
IT managers, IT team leaders, Architects, System Administrators, Developers

Detailed Course Outline:
  1. General cloud primer
  2. Origin and history of Openstack
  3. Main features of Openstack
  4. Openstack architechture
  5. Core building blocks
  6. Distributions and complete private cloud solutions based on Openstack

Introduction to OpenStack private clouds OST-101

Vybraný termín:



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