Introduction to the Junos Operating System

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Školení Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS) je pořádáné ve spolupráci s naším zahraničním partnerem Fast Lane a je standardně vedeno v anglickém jazyce formou FLEX výuky. V případě požadavku na firemní školení pro větší skupinu posluchačů je možné zajistit standardní Instructor-Led Classroom výuku. This one-day course provides students with the foundational knowledge required to work with the Junos operating system and to configure Junos devices. The course provides a brief overview of the Junos device families and discusses the key architectural components of the software. Key topics include user interface options with a heavy focus on the command-line interface (CLI), configuration tasks typically associated with the initial setup of devices, interface configuration basics with configuration examples, secondary system configuration, and the basics of operational monitoring and maintenance of Junos devices. Chapter 1: Course Introduction Chapter 2: Junos Operating System Fundamentals Chapter 3: User Interface Options Chapter 4: Initial Configuration Chapter 5: Secondary System Configuration Chapter 6: Operational Monitoring and Maintenance Appendix A: Interface Configuration Examples Appendix B: The J-Web Interface

Introduction to the Junos Operating System

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