Java EE 6: Develop Web Services with JAX-WS & JAX-RS


Základní info

This Java EE 6 programming course covers the design and creation of SOAP and RESTful web services and clients. You'll use the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to develop JAX-WS and JAX-RS web services and deploy those services to Oracle WebLogic Server 12c. The majority of topics covered are portable across all application servers which support the Java EE 6 web service standards.bLearn To:/preate XML documents and XML schemas while using XML Namespaces.roduce and consume JSON and XML using JAXB.nderstand WSDL files and the role they play in SOAP based web services and select either a top-down (WSDL first) or bottom-up (code first) approach to the development of SOAP web services.ake calls to and implement web services based on SOAP standards using JAX-WS (Metro Stack).mplement REST practices in the creation of web services with the JAX-RS specification (Jersey Stack).ecure web services using Java EE Security standards, WS-Security extensions, and OAuth 1.0a.bBenefits to You/pava EE 6 technology facilitates cross-platform application development through the use of platform neutral network communication, supports HTML5 AJAX enabled applications and mobile clients by creating RESTful web services which use the JSON data-interchange format. Enrolling in this course will help you stay current on the latest Java EE 6 web service APIs.

Java EE 6: Develop Web Services with JAX-WS & JAX-RS

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50 200 Kč + 21% DPH

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