Java SE 7 New Features


Základní info

This new feature course delves into the major changes and enhancement in Oracle Java SE 7 release. It's designed for Java professionals who are already proficient with developing Java programs by using Java SE 6 or earlier Java SE platforms.bLearn To:/p elve into the new features and enhancements in the Java SE 7 platform, and start using it to develop Java applications.escribe the language enhancements in Java SE 7.escribe the core platform technology enhancements.escribe the new APIs for the I/O and network enhancements.bMeets Certification Training Requirement/phis course fulfills the training requirement for an Oracle Certification path. Only Classroom Training, Live Virtual Class or Training On Demand (TOD) courses will fulfill the requirement. Self-Paced and Knowledge Center courses do not meet the training requirement.

Java SE 7 New Features

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13 880 Kč + 21% DPH

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