JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CNC Administration Rel 9.2.x


Základní info

This JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CNC Administration Rel 9.2.x training will teach you how to set up environments, path codes, data sources and object configuration manager (OCM). An integrated case study illustrates how these components work together.bLearn To:/pescribe Configurable Network Computing.mplement the elements of CNC.emonstrate competence in the CNC architecture.roubleshoot path code definitions.efine data source terms.reate a data source.enerate a data source report.roubleshoot data source definitions and object configuration manager.ap UBEs locally using OCM.opy an environment using environment director tool.se OCM.se distributed processing.bBenefits to You/py investing in this course, you'll be able to confidently describe components that make up the CNC Architecture. Through a combination of instruction and participating in hands-on exercises, you'll develop a solid understanding of how to work together in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CNC Administration Rel 9.2.x

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24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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