JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management Rel 9.2


Základní info

This JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management course provides hands-on instruction to expand your knowledge of this solution. Learn how to generate short-term demand forecasts to drive your requirements planning. bLearn To:/preate both detail and summary level forecasts based on historical sales data.nalyze the results.educe inventory carrying costs by increasing forecast accuracy.dentify forecast methods and measurements.reate detailed forecasts, import and export forecasts.reate forecasts in currency.un forecast simulation.se planning bills to generate forecasts.bChoose the Format that Fits Your Schedule/pased on what works best for you and your learning style, Oracle University offers a variety of learning formats. From the classroom to an Internet connection, you can expand your skill set through a variety of mediums.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Forecast Management Rel 9.2

Vybraný termín:


12 047 Kč + 21% DPH

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