JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Programming Workflow Rel 8.98


Základní info

Programming Workflow introduces students to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Tools. In this course, you create workflow components and gain expertise in designing and modifying JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processes. Additionally, you learn how to implement workflow processes in existing applications, set up distribution lists, send messages internally and externally, analyze and troubleshoot workflow processes, and perform administrative tasks related to workflow.pBy understanding how JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow is set up and implemented, you will gain the knowledge to create custom workflow processes, or to modify JD Edwards EnterpriseOne standard workflow processes to meet your business requirements.earn To:liDevelop and maintain JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processesodify JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processesreate distribution lists for workflow messageset up external mail accessvaluate business processes for workflow automationdminister JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow processes/ul

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Programming Workflow Rel 8.98

Vybraný termín:


11 138 Kč + 21% DPH

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