JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Writing Rel 9.x


Základní info

This JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Writing Rel 9.x training will connect you with expert Oracle University instructors who will expand your knowledge of this reporting solution. By enrolling in this course, you'll gain hands-on experience using this technology to create, design and implement reports that enhance your daily business activities.bLearn To:/preate reports over your company's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data in a structured format.evise existing reports and design new reports to meet the reporting requirements of your business.ecome familiar with using the Report Design user interface.nhance reports and set up columnar and group sections.ccess required data.et up business views using a single table.bBenefits to Youpmprove your knowledge of the reporting options available in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid. This will enable you to design more useful reports for reviewing and predicting business trends.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Writing Rel 9.x

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60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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