MySQL for Database Administrators


Základní info

The MySQL for Database Administrators course is the cornerstone curriculum for MySQL Database Administrators and Developers who want to use this powerful relational database. In this course students will benefit from learning how to secure users privileges, set resource limitations, access controls and describe backup and recovery basics. Students will also learn how to create and use stored procedures, triggers and views.This course fulfills the training requirement for an Oracle Certification Path. Only instructor-led online (LVC, LWC), in-class (ILT), or Training On Demand courses will fulfill the requirement. Self-study CD-ROM and Knowledge Center courses do not fulfill the training requirement.

MySQL for Database Administrators

Vybraný termín:


39 375 Kč + 21% DPH

Kontakt na dodavatele získáte po registraci

Tento kurz je pořádán dodavatelem, který nevyužívá placenou prezentaci na portálu Abravito.

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