OFSAA 8.x Financial Services Data Foundation (FSDF)


Základní info

The FSDF 8.x training includes six sections: Introduction, Understanding FSDF, Documentation, Dimensions, Key Reporting Tables Design Data Flow Technical Topics. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you about the architecture, design structure of FSDF, setup dimensions, data flow patterns, staging area reporting area design principles, implementation options and many more. bLearn To:/p nderstand the architecture and where FSDF fits in OFSAA Product Suite. nderstand the FSDF relationship with OFSAA Infrastructure. nderstand the pre requisites required to implement FSDF.nderstand the physical data model structure. nderstand the different subject areas of FSDF. nderstand the design guidelines of staging reporting tables. nderstand how documentation is embedded within the data model. nderstand different types of dimensions. bBenefits to You/p y enrolling in this course and deep diving into FSDF, you'll develop expertise that will help you get more out of your investment. Doing so will improve the way your business adopts handles data management and analytical solutions in banking financial sector using OFSAA. You’ll explore data flow patterns, normalization standardization of data, integration of third party use case/analytical application outputs in the results area.

OFSAA 8.x Financial Services Data Foundation (FSDF)

Vybraný termín:


16 762 Kč + 21% DPH

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