OFSAA 8.x Loan Loss Forecasting & Provisioning (LLFP)


Základní info

This OFSAA 8.x Loan Loss Forecasting Provisioning (LLFP) training is designed to help you understand the importance of OFSAA Loan Loss Forecasting and Provisioning (LLFP) as part of IFRS9 (International Financial Reporting Standards) to the bank. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to explain functionalities of OFSAA LLFP and describe its architecture to clients.bLearn To:/pefine concepts of IFRS9.se various tools and techniques within OFSAA.onfigure LLFP(IFRS 9) application to compute Expected Loss Amount EIR.articipate in hands-on, business case exercises within OFSAA LLFP.urn client requirements and data into useful project information.bBenefits to You/phen you walk away from this course, you will have developed the skills to turn client requirements and data into useful project information. This can then be used to take action to implement LLFP at a bank or financial institution. The course is primarily focused on the Loan Loss Forecasting and Provisioning component, as this is the most prevalent implementation. discuss and quiz each other as well as the instructor.

OFSAA 8.x Loan Loss Forecasting & Provisioning (LLFP)

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33 524 Kč + 21% DPH

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