OpenAM Development FR-401


Základní info


This course will provide the students with a detailed introduction to the ForgeRock OpenAM customisation APIs. The main goal of the course is to give delegates an understanding of appropriate OpenAM customisation. The course focuses on the areas that are important during a product deployment.


The course is aimed at system integrators, consultants, architects and Java developers involved in the customisation of ForgeRock OpenAM.

  • System Integrators
  • System Consultants
  • System Architects
  • Developers


  • Have basic knowledge of Unix commands
  • Have a basic knowledge of how to use Virtual Machines (The labs are provided with virtual machines)
  • Have a basic understanding of how LDAP works
  • A working knowledge of Java will be essential to get the most out of this development course.


3 days

Course contents


  • ForgeRock product suite overview
  • Deploying an OpenAM development environment

Debugging and Logging APIs

  • Understand the OpenAM Logging API
  • Describe the use of the Debug API

Programmatic Authentication

  • Understand the Remote Authentication API
  • Authenticate to OpenAM using the RESTful interface

Sessions and Single-Sign On

  • Describe the SSO API and use it to validate session credentials
  • Understand how to interface to the session quota mechanism
  • Interface to Account Lockout

Identity and Service Management

  • Understand the Identity Repository API
  • Understand the Service Management API
  • Develop a custom data store

Custom Policy Components

  • Describe the Policy framework extensions API
  • Understand the configuration of custom Policy components
  • Use the Policy Evaluation API

Custom Federation Components

  • Develop a custom account mapper
  • Develop a custom attribute mapper

OpenAM Development FR-401

Vybraný termín:



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