OpenShift installation (EN)

Kurzem Vás provede Jiří Snopek

IT lektor a konzultant, RHCA. Vede tým zaměřený na vývoj i provoz webových a mobilních aplikací.

Základní info


You will learn how to install OpenShift by manual installation to better understanding all the steps of installation. Also you will get an overview how works the automated installation.


For OpenShift administrators, architects, and DevOps engineers who plan to install OpenShift.


  • Minimum requirements
  • Preparation of the installation environment
  • Configuration of a simple load balancer
  • Modifing the installation configuration - network settings, domains, cluster name,…
  • Generating installation manifestos, editing options
  • Installation of master nodes
  • Installation of infra and worker nodes
  • Configuration of the location of individual infrared components
  • Image registry installation
Legal Notice
OpenShift is registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the USA and/or other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by OpenShift or Red Hat, Inc.

Study Materials

Materials are in electronic form.


OpenShift post-installation, OpenShift user management and central authentication

OpenShift installation (EN)

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