Oracle Access Manager 11g R2: Administration Essentials


Základní info

No hands on lab environment for the TOD course formathis Oracle Access Manager 11R2: Administration Essentials training teaches you how to install, configure and implement a real life deployment of Oracle Access Manager 11R2 PS3( Work with expert Oracle University instructors to install, troubleshoot, diagnose and more.bLearn To:/pnstall and configure Oracle Access Manager 11R2 PS3.onfigure servers, data sources and up policy configuration (shared components and application domain).anage sign-on, sign-off and sessions.onfigure detached credential collector [DCC]et up auditing, logging and troubleshooting OAM 11R2 up secure communication between WebGates and OAM Server.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll develop a deep understanding of key concepts of Access Management that include installing, configuring and registering WebGates. You'll walk away with the knowledge and skills to create authentication and authorization policies to protect resources and understand session management and single sign on.bTroubleshoot Diagnose/pxpert Oracle University instructors will also teach you how to troubleshoot, diagnose and monitor the OAM deployment environment. You'll explore the Oracle Fusion Middleware Audit Framework, a centralized audit framework to the OAM and other Fusion Middleware component products.bCourse Wrap-Up/pinally, you'll learn how to generate reports and audit for OAM deployments. You will also learn to set up secure communication between WebGate and OAM Server.

Oracle Access Manager 11g R2: Administration Essentials

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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