Oracle Application Express: Administration Ed 2


Základní info

In the Oracle Application Express: Administration Ed 2 course, students will learn the different ways in which Oracle Application Express can be installed and will perform a full development environment installation on a multitenant architecture of Oracle Database 12c. They will identify the three options of configuring a web server for Oracle Application Express and will install and configure the Oracle REST Data Services.bLearn To:/pnstall Oracle Application Express.nstall and Configure Oracle REST Data Services.ectify Common Installation Errors. reate and Manage Workspaces and Users. anage and Monitor An Entire Development Instance.anage and Monitor Workspaces.b Benefits To You/ptudents will benefit by learning how to troubleshoot installation issues and review the installation log. Students will be shown how to log into the Oracle Application Express Administration Interface and manage an entire development Instance and they will learn to create users and workspaces and manage and monitor the Oracle Application Express instance. Students will also learn to log into the Oracle Application Express application as a workspace administrator and monitor and manage a Oracle Application Express workspace.

Oracle Application Express: Administration Ed 2

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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