Oracle Application Express Workshop I Ed 2


Základní info

This Oracle Application Express Workshop I Ed 2 training teaches you how to quickly and efficiently develop database-centric web applications using Oracle Application Express. Explore implementing security in your applications, managing application navigation, basic validation and debugging techniques used while developing an application in Oracle Application Express.bLearn To:/preate database applications for both desktop and mobile interfaces.dd various components like new pages, reports regions, items and other components required to enhance an application.reate processes, validations, computations and dynamic actions within an application.hange the look and feel of your web applications using built-in themes and templates.reate and use shared components for an application.nderstand managing and using session state variables.mplement security in an application.anage application navigation using shared components.mprovise your application by creating calendars, charts and trees.xtend your application by adding advanced features like printing, BLOB object, data loading, site and more.nable feedback mechanisms from the application and tracking the feedback from Oracle APEX.bBenefits to You/phen you walk away from this course, you will have developed the knowledge and skills to create database applications using desktop and mobile interfaces. You'll learn how to enhance your application by adding various components like reports, forms, items, dynamic actions, calendars, charts, plug-ins and other shared components required in an application.

Oracle Application Express Workshop I Ed 2

Vybraný termín:


50 200 Kč + 21% DPH

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