Oracle Application Express Workshop II Ed 2


Základní info

This Oracle Application Express Workshop II Ed 2 training will build on the knowledge learned in the 5-day Oracle Application Express Workshop I course. You'll examine topics that including learning how to use collections, add dynamic actions, create and customize plug-ins, and create and consume a RESTful Web Service.bLearn To:/pxtend Your applications using collections, dynamic application and plug-ins.reate and use RESTful Web Services.ake your application accessible.ustomize themes and templates.stablish a master application and corporate theme that many applications can use.igrate an existing application to a new theme.ncorporate a jQueryUI ThemeRoller theme into your mobile application.ecure, deploy and maintain your applications.ptimize your application performance.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll develop the ability to ensure that the APEX application is accessible. You'll be able to determine which theme to use based on the type of application you want to build (desktop, mobile or responsive) as well as how to customize the templates.bSet Up a Master Template Application/phis course will teach you how to set up a Master (Template) Application that contains common regions used as a starting point. You'll learn how to build a landing pad page that helps to navigate throughout the application. Expert Oracle University instructors will help you explore some considerations when upgrading your APEX applications to a responsive theme while incorporating a new jQueryUI ThemeRoller theme into your existing mobile application.

Oracle Application Express Workshop II Ed 2

Vybraný termín:


30 120 Kč + 21% DPH

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