Oracle BI 10g: Analytics Overview


Základní info

The course begins with an introduction to fundamental concepts related to business intelligence and dimensional modeling. You will explore Oracle BI Enterprise Edition user interfaces, including Oracle BI Answers, which is used to generate, modify, organize, and share Analytical requests for viewing within Intelligence Dashboards. This course also provides an overview of the Oracle BI Administration Tool, which is used to view and configure an Oracle BI repository. The course includes descriptions of the components that compose the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition architecture. You will also be introduced to prebuilt Oracle Business Intelligence Applications as well as integration with Oracle BI Publisher. earn To: dentify the analytical business challenge and the solution provided by Oracle BI productsavigate a Oracle BI Analytics Intelligence Dashboardescribe the relationships among the componentsdentify and describe repository features and functionsescribe the role of key components in the architectureublish a BI Publisher report created from BI Server repository bra href="" target="_blank"/a

Oracle BI 10g: Analytics Overview

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4 450 Kč + 21% DPH

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