Oracle BI 11g R1: Introduction to System Administration


Základní info

In this course you learn how to use the following tools to manage Oracle Business Intelligence (BI): liFusion Middleware (FMW) Control to monitor manage, and configure Oracle BI system componentsli Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) Administration Console to monitor and manage Oracle BI JEE Java componentsli Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) Tool to manage Oracle BI system componentsli Oracle BI Administration Tool to perform administrative tasks./ulhis course provides tutorials and step-by-step demonstrations for Oracle BI system administration. The course begins with an overview of Oracle BI system administration tasks, the Oracle BI system logical architecture, and the tools used to complete system administration tasks. As the course progresses, you learn how to centrally manage Oracle BI system tasks and components using Fusion Middleware Control and the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. You learn how to stop and start Oracle BI components, scale an Oracle BI deployment, deploy Oracle BI for high availability, manage performance tuning and query caching, diagnose and resolve system issues, enable usage tracking, and set up and manage Oracle BI security.earn To:anage performance tuning and query caching to improve Oracle BI query performancese Fusion Middleware Control to diagnose and resolve issues in Oracle BIet up, configure, and manage Oracle BI securityet up a clustered environment to deploy Oracle BI for high availabilityse Oracle BI system administration tools to monitor, manage, and configure Oracle BI system componentsse vertical and horizontal scaling to manage the capacity of an Oracle BI deploymentearn To:se vertical and horizontal scaling to manage the capacity of an Oracle BI deploymentse Fusion Middleware Control to diagnose and resolve issues in Oracle BIet up, configure, and manage Oracle BI securityet up a clustered environment to deploy Oracle BI for high availabilityse Oracle BI system administration tools to monitor, manage, and configure Oracle BI system componentsanage performance tuning and query caching to improve Oracle BI query performance/ul

Oracle BI 11g R1: Introduction to System Administration

Vybraný termín:


2 225 Kč + 21% DPH

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