Oracle BI 11g: Scorecarding and Strategy Management


Základní info

This course introduces you to KPI and scorecarding concepts, followed by detailed information on how to create both KPIs and scorecards employed in the development of a strategy management plan. he course is intended for a business-oriented audience who want an understanding of these components, which will enable them to utilize the newly learned skills to build KPIs and scorecards for their business. Students learn how to create KPIs, KPI watchlists, and scorecards. Scorecarding includes creating objectives, initiatives, a custom perspective, a Strategy map, a Strategy tree, and a Cause Effect map. Additionally, students learn how to use proactive detection, add scorecard objects to a dashboard, and interactively collaborate by using scorecards.earn To: dd Scorecards to a Dashboardreate Agentsreate KPIsreate Scorecards and associated objects

Oracle BI 11g: Scorecarding and Strategy Management

Vybraný termín:


2 225 Kč + 21% DPH

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