Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories


Základní info

This Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories training teaches you how to build and verify the three layers of an Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) repository, step-by-step. Expert Oracle University instructors will begin by teaching you how to use the Oracle BI Administration Tool to construct a simple repository.bLearn To:/ponstruct the repository.mport schemas.esign and build logical business models.xpose business models to users in the Oracle BI user interface.uild physical and logical joins, simple measures, and calculation measures.alidate your work by creating and running analyses.erify query results using the query log.mplement Oracle BI Server security.anage the Oracle BI Server up a multi-user development environment.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll walk away with the ability to extend the initial repository and model more complex business requirements, including: logical dimension hierarchies, multiple logical table sources, aggregate tables, partitions, and time series data. You will have developed the experience to use Administration Tool wizards and utilities to manage, maintain, and enhance repositories. Finally, you'll be exposed to more advanced topics, like implicit fact columns, bridge tables, usage tracking, patch merge, and managing service instances.

Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories

Vybraný termín:


83 810 Kč + 21% DPH

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