Oracle BI Applications 11g: Implementation using ODI


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This Oracle BI Applications: Implementation Using ODI training provides step-by-step procedures for installing, configuring, managing, and customizing Oracle Business Intelligence Applications and Oracle Business Intelligence Warehouse. It begins by exploring Oracle BI Applications components and architecture.bLearn To:/pdentify and describe the products, architecture and key components of Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration Manager and Functional Setup Manager to configure Oracle BI Applications.dentify and describe the security features of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.anage the performance of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications and Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.bBenefits to You/pnrolling in this course gives you the opportunity to view demonstrations of the installation steps and then perform post-installation set up of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse and Oracle Data Integrator. After the installation, expert Oracle University instructors will help you explore the prebuilt ETL metadata that ships with the products. This will help you gain an understanding of the ETL process and the relationships between the architecture components.bExplore Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration/pfter the initial exploration, you use Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager and Functional Setup Manager to configure Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. You then use Configuration Manager to create, generate, execute, and monitor load plans, which run the ODI ETL processes that move data from a transactional source system into the Oracle Business Intelligence Warehouse.bCustomize ODI ETL Metadata Objects/pfter the data is loaded, you'll learn how to use ODI Studio to customize ODI ETL metadata objects and the Oracle Business Intelligence Warehouse to accommodate new data for analysis. You will also develop the knowledge and skills to manage Oracle Business Intelligence Applications security and performance.

Oracle BI Applications 11g: Implementation using ODI

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50 286 Kč + 21% DPH

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