Oracle BI Publisher 12c R1: Fundamentals


Základní info

This Oracle BI Publisher 12c training will help you build a foundation of understanding how to best leverage this solution. Through Classroom Training or Live Virtual Class Training, you'll learn the ins and outs of how to use this solution.bLearn To:/preate data models by using the Data Model Editor.reate BI Publisher reports based on data models.reate report layouts by using the Layout Editor (online).reate reports based on OBI EE data sources.ublish the reports on OBI EE Dashboards.chedule reports and burst these reports.bCreating Reports/purthermore, you'll learn how to create layouts for reports, then publish the highly formatted reports to a wide range of destinations (printers, faxes, email, and document repositories via FTP or WebDav). Publisher's report formats can also be designed by using familiar Microsoft Office tools like Microsoft Word and Excel.bScheduling and Bursting Reports/pracle BI Publisher 12c provides best of breed capabilities for scheduling and bursting reports. By investing in this course, you'll learn how to schedule and manage scheduled jobs, along with bursting reports to other destinations.

Oracle BI Publisher 12c R1: Fundamentals

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36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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