Oracle BPM 11g: Implement the Process Model


Základní info

This Oracle BPM 11g: Implement the Process Model training is ideal for process developers who want to learn how to implement a BPM process model. It also teaches you how to collaborate and support the needs of process analysts in their role as modelers and co-implementers of the process.bLearn To:/pefine the underlying implementation for processing user tasks, business rule tasks and service tasks.anage the flow of information through a business process by mapping data objects into and out of gateways and business rules.ntegrate data objects into the design of human task forms.reate more complex process models to meet your business different types of events, including message, signal and timer events.anage synchronous and asynchronous communication between processes and sub-processes, peer processes and other services.nderstand exception handling and UI customization.bIntegration with SOA Suite/bince OBPM is closely integrated with SOA Suite, this course will also help you develop a clear understanding of how OBPM integrates with SOA in both the run-time and the development environment. Expert Oracle University instructors will help you develop this knowledge through a combination of instruction and hands-on exercises.bRecommended Prerequisite Knowledge/pt addresses a more technical audience than the OBPM 11g Modeling course. It assumes that you already understand the basics of process modeling and know how to use the modeling tools of BPM Studio.

Oracle BPM 11g: Implement the Process Model

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50 200 Kč + 21% DPH

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