Oracle Commerce: Implementing Guided Search Rel 11.1


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This Oracle Commerce: Implementing Guided Search Rel 11.1 training teaches you how to configure Guided Search applications and understand the technical architecture, while using the Content Acquisition System (CAS)to load record stores into the MDEX engine. Expert Oracle University instructors will also teach you how to configure properties, dimensions and taxonomies.his course is appropriate for on-premises deployments only.bLearn To:/pnderstand the components of an Oracle Commerce Guided Search solution.eploy an Oracle Commerce Guided Search application.efine guided search configuration using properties and dimensions.onfigure guided navigation with the various dimension types.onfigure and enhance search through features such as search interfaces and relevancy ranking.oad data from text extracts, XML, databases (via JDBC) using CAS.anipulate and enhance input data.iscuss the integration with Oracle Commerce Platform and other systems.xecute the basics of project development, data design, properties and dimensions.bBenefits to You/phen you walk away from this course, you will have developed knowledge about the robust features of Guided Search. These features will allow your customers to find relevant and desired items on your web site. Additionally, you will develop a deeper understanding of search interfaces, multi-select, ranges, relevance ranking and precedence rules. bUnderstand Guided Search/peginning with an overview of Oracle Commerce Guided Search features and functionality, this course addresses the basics of project development, data design, properties and dimensions. In addition to exploring the technical architecture and loading data into the MDEX engine, you will develop an understanding of the various related configurations, including sort, search and multi-select.bConfigure Search and Navigation/paking this course will also help you learn the concepts of managed taxonomies, along with configuring Guided Navigation features. Topics discussed include configuring range dimensions and precedence rules. Explore various search configurations available with Endeca, including search interfaces, match modes, stemming and relevance ranking.bLoad and Manipulate Data/pinally, you'll use the Content Acquisition System (CAS) to crawl different types of data and load the resulting record stores into the MDEX Engine. This also includes learning the concepts of integrating data from product catalog systems into an Oracle Commerce Guided Search application. The Oracle Commerce Platform and Guided Search integration will be introduced using this approach.

Oracle Commerce: Implementing Guided Search Rel 11.1

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36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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