Oracle CRM On Demand Administration Essentials


Základní info

The course examines the fundamental concepts of Oracle CRM On Demand administrative functionality. It defines the role of the company administrator and includes instruction on administrator tasks and duties. Through a series of hands-on lab exercises, participants learn how to set up, customize, and administer Oracle CRM On Demand for a company.Practical application of the skills taught in the class is reinforced by hands-on exercises built on real-life implementation scenarios. Starting with a new, default CRM On Demand environment, participants determine business requirements and complete all the customization steps required to get the application up and running for end users. Examples follow recommended implementation practices, allowing students to test new skills in a safe environment with instructor support.Before the start of the class, students will have to complete the following prework:Using Oracle CRM On Demand To access the prework, please follow the steps below:Go to and log inIf you don't have an account, click the Register for a free Oracle Web account link on top of the page to create oneAfter you log in, click the Education tabClick on Self-Study Online in the left navNow are you in the Oracle University Knowledge CenterGo to the right nav and click the Free Trial link in The Quick Links boxRead the Free Trial Subscription terms and acceptType the prework name in the Search box and click GoLearn To:Customize the application to meet company-specific business requirements Define appropriate default settings and password policies for the companyEmbed sales methodology into the application to enforce best practicesSet up users in the application and provide them with the appropriate visibility and access to informationExtend the application functionality and perform critical maintenance tasksIdentify the tools and resources available to help administrators be successful

Oracle CRM On Demand Administration Essentials

Vybraný termín:


55 000 Kč + 21% DPH

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