Oracle Data Integrator 12c: Advanced Integration and Development


Základní info

This Oracle Data Integrator course covers advanced techniques for using Oracle Data Integrator 12c (ODI). You learn how to implement high-performance movement and transformation of data among various platforms.bLearn how to:/p evelop and customize Knowledge Modules with substitution methods and Java erform data integration and transformation among various platforms using advance techniquesesign advanced ODI mappings, procedures, and packages to perform EL-T data transformations se variables to create reusable packagesutomate ODI tasks by using the Groovy script editorxtract data from different types of complex file se ODI web services and perform integration of ODI in an enterprise environment and SOA et up ODI security by implementing a strongly secured approach with non-generic profiles and external user authentication mplement integration strategies with ODI by using best practices and an example using GoldenGatereate and populate cubes and dimensions bBenefits to You/p mprove performance and reduce integration costs across your organizations' heterogeneous systems. Centralize data across databases using your new skills to perform data integration, design advanced ODI mappings, set up ODI security, and automate ODI tasks.bAdministering the IT infrastructure and Metadata/p his course helps you learn how to use the ODI Studio for developing projects and models. Expert Oracle instructors will also explore how to monitor executions through instruction and hands-on exercises.bAdvanced ODI development for High-Performance Data Integration/p n addition, this course teaches you how to perform advanced ODI topology configuration. Learn how to design advanced ODI mappings, procedures, packages, and other objects for high-performance data integration among various technologies.bPerform Extract Load Transform (EL-T) in an Enterprise Environment/p or enterprise SOA deployments, there is almost always a need for enterprise data extraction, transformation, and loading. By leveraging the native SOA architecture in Oracle Data Integrator, this course helps you perform EL-T from SOA applications. ou also learn how to implement the integration of ODI in an enterprise environment and in SOA. In addition, this course teaches you how to execute ODI transformation from a BPEL process.bApply Strongly Secured Approach/p aking this course helps you learn how to enhance ODI security by applying the Strongly Secured Approach and by implementing External Authentication with LDAP. inally, you learn about cubes and dimensions and how to use and populate them in ODI.his course is based on Oracle Data Integrator 12c (

Oracle Data Integrator 12c: Advanced Integration and Development

Vybraný termín:


36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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