Oracle Database 11g: Administer a Data Warehouse


Základní info

This course will help you understand the basic concepts of administering a data warehouse. You'll learn to use various Oracle Database features to improve performance and manageability in a data warehouse.bLearn To:/pmplement parallel operations to reduce response time.xtract, transform and load data.reate, use and refresh materialized views to improve data warehouse query rewrite to quickly answer business queries using materialized SQL access advisor and PL/SQL procedures to tune materialized views for fast refresh and query rewrites.dentify the benefits of partitioning, in addition to using parallel operations to reduce response time for data-intensive operations.bBenefits To You/pxpert instructors will also teach you how to extract, transform and load data into an Oracle database warehouse. Discover how to use SQL Access Advisor to optimize the entire workload. Use materialized views to improve data warehouse performance and learn how query rewrites can improve performance.

Oracle Database 11g: Administer a Data Warehouse

Vybraný termín:


40 160 Kč + 21% DPH

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