Oracle Database 11g: Data Warehousing Fundamentals


Základní info

This Oracle Database 11g: Data Warehousing Fundamentals training will teach you about the basic concepts of a data warehouse. Explore the issues involved in planning, designing, building, populating and maintaining a successful data warehouse.bLearn To:/pefine the terminology and explain basic concepts of data warehousing.dentify the technology and some of the tools from Oracle to implement a successful data warehouse.escribe methods and tools for extracting, transforming and loading data.dentify some of the tools for accessing and analyzing warehouse data.escribe the benefits of partitioning, parallel operations, materialized views and query rewrite in a data warehouse.xplain the implementation and organizational issues surrounding a data warehouse project.mprove performance or manageability in a data warehouse using various Oracle Database features.bOracle’s Database Partitioning Architecture/pou'll also explore the basics of Oracle’s Database partitioning architecture, identifying the benefits of partitioning. Review the benefits of parallel operations to reduce response time for data-intensive operations. Learn how to extract, transform and load data (ETL) into an Oracle database warehouse.bImprove Data Warehouse Performance/pearn the benefits of using Oracle’s materialized views to improve the data warehouse performance. Instructors will give a high-level overview of how query rewrites can improve a query’s performance. Explore OLAP and Data Mining and identify some data warehouse implementations considerations.bUse Data Warehousing Tools/puring this training, you'll briefly use some of the available data warehousing tools. These tools include Oracle Warehouse Builder, Analytic Workspace Manager and Oracle Application Express.

Oracle Database 11g: Data Warehousing Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


30 120 Kč + 21% DPH

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