Oracle Database 11g: SQL Tuning Workshop Release 2


Základní info

This course assists database developers, DBAs and SQL developers to identify and tune inefficient SQL statements. Learn investigative methods to reveal varying levels of detail about how the Oracle database executes the SQL statement; this helps you determine the root causes of the inefficient SQL statements.bLearn To:/pse Oracle tools to identify inefficient SQL Automatic SQL Real Time SQL monitoring.rite more efficient SQL statements.onitor and trace high load SQL statements.anage optimizer statistics on database objects.nterpret execution plans, and the different ways in which data can be accessed.bExplore the Optimizer/pxpert instructors will also help you explore how the optimizer chooses the path. You'll also learn how to influence the optimizer to ensure the best method is used.bAutomatic SQL Tuning Tools/phis course covers Automatic SQL Tuning tools and resources available in the Automatic Workload Repository. Furthermore, take advantage of bind variables, trace files and different types of indexes.bNote:/phis course is based on Oracle Database 11g Release 2.

Oracle Database 11g: SQL Tuning Workshop Release 2

Vybraný termín:


30 120 Kč + 21% DPH

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