Oracle Database 11gR2: Availability - RMAN


Základní info

In this course you will learn how to implement new RMAN features in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 that enhance and extend the reliability, efficiency and availability of Oracle Database backup and recovery.brou learn about the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module which extends the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) functionality and provides an easy-to-manage, cost efficient and scalable alternative to maintaining in-house data storage, and a fully configured backup infrastructure.earn to:se enhancements to tablespace point-in-time recovery (TSPITR) se new binary compression algorithm settings se targetless DUPLICATE for database duplication se the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud module to back up an Oracle database to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) se new options for duplication of tablespaces

Oracle Database 11gR2: Availability - RMAN

Vybraný termín:


2 225 Kč + 21% DPH

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